

Pine Branches

Ansel Adams Exclusives

  • Framed reproduction from an assortment of Ansel Adams images
  • 4 ½ x 6 ½ ” image size expertly framed to 8x10 inches
  • Affordably priced at $85
$85.00 USD
Frame Color
Contrast Gray Metal
Matte Black Metal


This beautiful print is an authorized reproduction of the classic Ansel Adams photograph. The mounting, overmatting, and framing makes for a classic presentation. 100% Made in America using the Ansel Adams Authorized Edition Note Card.

  • Authorized reproduction
  • Offset printing on #80 cover stock paper
  • Mounted and double-matted with non-archival mat board
  • Image size approximately 4.5" x 6.5”, frame size is 8 ”x10”
  • Five framing options available; wood and metal
  • Please allow 2-3 business days for framing.

Framing Details



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