Before you purchase a Value Statement, let's make sure your print is an Ansel Adams Original...
Does your print have a signature on the front?
Is there a stamp on the back of the print or mount identifying it as an Ansel Adams Photograph?
Is there an indication of this print belonging to a Portfolio or collection? Is there a date? An edition number?
Check out our article for
are many excellent reproductions of Ansel Adams Photographs. However,
we only provide Value Statements for pieces that were personally printed
by Ansel Adams. In order to save you money and us time, please inspect
your print for the questions above before requesting a Value Statement.
A value statement from
The Ansel Adams Gallery is a letter that simply states a range of value
for a photograph by Ansel Adams at a point in time. The range is based
on our experience in the market and a basic description, including
condition of a print provided by the collector.
This document is NOT an appraisal. It may or may not be accepted by an insurance company for the purposes of valuing a covered loss. The Ansel Adams Gallery accepts no liability for its acceptance or not, nor for the description provided to The Ansel Adams Gallery by the collector.
Price includes shipping via USPS Priority Mail
We will contact you for specific details about your photograph.